Monday, August 12, 2019

The Grand Tetons & Yellowstone

(This one is a long one... hold onto your hats!)

As we made our way toward Yellowstone through Wyoming, we came to the Grand Tetons. This rugged mountain range is grand and quite impressive. We thought we might miss them as we headed toward our camp site, but it turns out you can't miss them! LOL Its THE great barrier before Yellowstone!



Lake Jackson
In an attempt to get closer to Yellowstone National Park we took a campsite in a very popular fishing camp in the southeastern corner of Montana, next to Yellowstone, on the Madison Arm branch of Hebgen Lake. Getting there was a challenge as we had to drive over several miles of washboard-gravel AND out.


Our original thinking was that we would camp here for a few days, drive out to Yellowstone and come back each night. After coming in on that road we knew that wouldn't work. So we enjoyed our day there and cancelled the other days we had originally booked (staying only 2 nights). 

(can you see the mosquitoes? Buzzzz buzzzzz buzz)

 We walked about the camp, after dosing ourselves with plenty of "Off" and nearly got eaten by the huge swarms of mosquitoes.

Walking around the shore we came upon a sign saying not to tie up your boat/raft/whatever on the shore...
the raft was tied to the sign post LOL


All in all, very pretty, very popular with fisherman, but not for us. We left this little corner of paradise (eh-hem) and decided to try a park at the north end of Yellowstone.

On our way to our next park we spent an entire day driving (very slowly) through Yellowstone. The park is extremely large and made for driving tours. Every time an animal came out of the woods, traffic was stopped again and again. We saw bison, moose, elk, horses/mules, and deer as we drove through. We also saw an incredible lake, Lake Yellowstone. It's so large it almost qualifies as a sea! LOL





Old Faithful

There were thousands of people sitting around the rim waiting to see Old Faithful blow

Here's a short clip, the eruption went on for over 3 minutes.

Lake Yellowstone 




We happened upon the opposite of our last camp, Yellowstone's Edge RV Park for the night. This park is manicured, pretty, friendly and much more to our liking. :)

Our next leg took us to Idaho and another beautiful lake! See you there.